To lacquer a piece of furniture, or rather paint it in a single color with a professional finish is very easy, If you want to see how children do it, here you can see it, so you take away the fear.
1. Materiales:
Foam brush or roller: I recommend the brush, as it is made of foam you will not see the lines usually left by the conventional bristle brush.
You can also use a foam roller, with the brush you will cover less surface in each pass, but it splashes less around than the roller, and therefore you will have to clean less around and on yourself, when you use it.Watch out,if the varnish that you are going to use has no water base, you can eat the foam of the brush …
Acrylic satin enamel water based: This is from Leroy Merlin you can find it in so much places, there are many different brands, the only important thing in this case is that it is water based.
Small sander or sandpaper: sanding is an indispensable step if what you are doing is restoring a piece of furniture, since you will have to leave it “raw” again, sanding it to remove any remaining of the previous finish of the piece of furniture, and if the enamel you are going to use to lacquer it is not water.
Very likely too, to give a a sand pass between the 2 layers of lacquer that you are going to do, if the piece of furniture is already raw, the enamel is water, and you liquify it well, you can Skip this step, and that is what it is about. If you need to sand, this sander is bosch, very practical and tiny.
Old clothes: If you do not stain what you wear, and it is polish, even if it is water based, it is very bad to get off.
Lets start, it is so easy:
Step 1:
Clean well the surfaces to be enameled, if the furniture was already in the rough, simply pass a dampened cloth taking good care of the corners and corners of the furniture, to leave it clean, if the furniture has a previous finish, this cleaning includes sanding the surface before passing the wet cloth, until leaving it without the remains of the previous finish, patience, it takes time.
We let the furniture dry.
Step 2:
Put a part of the enamel in a container and dilute it with water. Approximately add a third part of water of the amount of paint you want to dilute.
With the brush begin to apply, first in one direction (for example in vertical) and then in the other (horizontal, for example). This step would be what they call priming, but with this type of enamel you do not need to buy a specific product to print, so we saved a product and a step.
Step 3:
Once the enamel has dried, if you see any imperfection pass the sander, with this type of product diluted in water, I have managed not to have to sand between layers, fast and easy.
Step 4:
Dilute the enamel a little more and reapply it in the same way.
If you see that you need more layers, re-sanding and applying the enamel more times, in my case I have never needed more than 2 layers, and the key is in the amount of water you add, and let the piece dry well between a hand and the next.
This trick, easy and simple to “lacquer” yourself your furniture getting great results and protecting the environment, you can use it for all our
If you want to know what is real lacquer, the old, or Chinese lacquer, or the modern version of how professionals do it in a lacquered furniture workshop with a gun, in another post we will explain it to you.
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