Spring is here, and we cant wait to be outdoor, today I bring a great proyect, concrete furniture for outdoors, and you can forget to take care (and to move them also).
I´m wishing to make stools or pots with concrete, this one can look wonderful in a modern minimal terrace, or on a very rustic backyard (i´ll love to see how moss grows and give a decadent,ancient style…) I know I´ll do this proyect some day, I´m figuring what to use as mold…
- Quick dry concrete.
- A big recipient to make the mix
-A big plastic container to use as a mold, and another smaller to make the hole inside, this one can be anything, even make a tube with cardboard and cover it with plastic film (to take it out easily when we are done.
1. For this stool tthey used almost 28kg of concrete, so you must recalculate for each proyect. We mix concrete with water until it has pancakes dough consistence, for this you will need a stick as long as the container you use to mix.
2. Pour the mix inside the mold until less than a half. Put the smaller container (the hole) and continue pouring the mix around this second piece.
3. Let it dry. As we are using a big amount of concrete at least leve 2 days, if your mix is very watery, leave it more days.
4. To take out your artwork you must knock with a hammer all around the mold, this must unstick the concrete from the mold, to take off the inside piece you cant knock, so you must pull until you are done.
I think Iam goin to make some this summer, but very big and let the get green with moss, really I thin they decorate by themself…
The owner of this diy is Olivia Glendale, from Texas you can fin here aquí, on her blog you can see the whole process, she painted the stool with spray paint
If you don´t want to make your garden furniture, here you can see the ones we manufacture, you dont have to take care of them also, as they are made with vynil, metacrilate,aluminium..
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