In my new rental house I have found many things of questionable taste, say old, but what, what is more costing meis to fix is the lack of light and one of the reasons for this (besides  wall color and I have to install light spots everywhere) is that all the woodwork is dark, all, both the windows and the doors, and the owner does not want to paint white, that  would have been my first choice.

Here I show you how I fixed a door, this is small, as it is the first one did, I chose to try with it, it has been very easy to do, so I’m already doing the bedroom, when I go, I’ll just have to remove the vinyl, if the owner wants, I do not think,  it add light …

Puerta original

I just took rectangular vinyl pieces in different colors and went by sticking strips, aided by a rubber putty knife and the premoistened door (great trick to avoid blisters).

As they were not very large pieces, it handles great (if you want to make the surface of a single piece of vinyl of a single color  you can, just ask the measures you want, leaving a margin of about 2 cm each side).


Utilizar una espátula para pegar el vinilo

Armed of scissors to remove the excess, went sticking colored stripes.

cortar a medida

cortar el sobrante








The vinyl we use at is special, so I do not recommend you to use another, as they do not cover well and show through the original color of the door, in addition to break easily.

Once finish, I only had to pass the cutter by the door frame, to leave the exact measure of the door …

como decorar una puerta fea rapido y facil

repasamos con el cutter

puerta final

What do you think? Have you found the same problem? You can buy all you ned for making this here.

If you like to see more diy  proyects here you have some.

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