This eight ceiling lamps have gone to Germany this morning, their destiny is to be pending on a nice shop, and make happy her new owner, just waiting it arrives perfectly…..
And that is what we want to talk about, how we prepare them to get as they must, pack lamps for mail delivery is very complicated, and it is always expensive, we have tryed everything, from regular cardboard boxes, that doesn´t work, double carddboard boxes that doesn´t work either, every time the lamp gets broken, with the consequent displeasure of the purchaser and refund from us.
We also tested plastic boxes, which were very expensive, as these boxes measures are standard, and a lot of space left over that you pay as if it were full busy …,
And finally the only viable solution, we make boxes tailored each shipment dm is the better solution we’ve found.
Now you know why it is so expensive sending a lamp, not because of shipment itself is for what costs the packaging !!!!, as we have to do tailored to each lamp, one by one.
1.Each screen will protected by a sheet of cardboard, or plastic bubble.
2. We assemble boxes stapled with an industrial stapler each dmf board, but one of the boards (if not how we put the lamps in), this step has no picture, I am still not able to take pictures and use industrial stapler at the same time (read ironically).
3. We fill with polystyrene balls or stuffed cushion part of the box to avoid the lamps move.
4. We place in carefully the lamps.
5. We close up tight box with our super-stapler.
Ready to come to pick them up !!!
Thats why advise, if you can come to you because of your lamps discounting is sooo important, ask us here before ordering.
Where can you find our lamps? Here:
If you dont find what you need just ask!
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