Mi name is Marta Vázquez, I am industrial designer, I set up the brand Lagoa, Recupera tu espacio seven years ago.
Our philosophy is very simple and it is resumed in one phrase:
Why do you have to loose space?
We are concerned about making furniture that doesn´t ocuppy more space than needed, we didn´t find anywhere well thinked furniture in this aspect, and when meters scarce, every bad used inch counts,even if you have a big house. Do you need a big depth cabinet?
It seem to us that from Le Corbusier and his study about human dimmensions nobody thought that the real luxury is to have space for you, not for your furniture, the more you have , the better your life quality would be.
With this philosophy Essentials by Lagoa was our first collection, simple,modern furniture, with the right dimensions and at the right price.To avoid feeling like playing tetris each time we make a search for our home.
We also design original gifts, different,that make us smile and with the same philosophy, those capricces you have to give yourself or someone else to be remembered with an smile.
By now we have more than 150 refference, you can buy trhough our shop, at fancy, and at dawanda.
We work from Madrid,Spain, and all our production is european.
Hope you like what you see!!!
If you want to contact, my mail is: lagoa@lagoa.es
Find us at facebook,en google+ y en pinterest tambié
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