Small Spaces


Basic, simple and logic tricks for the ones who are starting to decore their homes.

Don´t be frustrated, your home is not that small, it seems that manufacturers are trying to make you loose your vital space, in this blog you´ll find tips and products to decore your home and fit inside at the same time.

Circular or rectangular table? Measures for dining table for 6 people

By |April 5th, 2017|

Kris wrote us telling us that she wanted to put a dining table for 6-8 people in her living room and she was unsure whether to put it round or rectangular and what should be the dining table measures for her house:

“Hello, Marta.

I loved your post about the minimum measures of a table for […]

DIY Christmas Tree

By |November 21st, 2016|

Nordic style DIY Christmas Tree that you finish as you choose! 46 inches high, each piece can be assembled so you can give it the width you like ( no more than 38 inches recomended) After christmas you can  disassemble, perfect to recover christmas spirit, decor your christmas as you like and make your […]

Christmas Tree Canvas

By |November 21st, 2016|

Christmas tree for lazy who doesnt want to spend time setting the Christmas tree every year, with this 110 cm high print can have your christmas decor ready in less than a minute, just unroll, hang it and ready to receive gifts, all are advantages!

And it doesnt ocupy space!!!

Polyester thin fabric printed, choose fashionable colors, the traditional christmas […]

Every house is a theatre Didomestic

By |May 5th, 2016|

I want to share this video, from architecture office elii , from Madrid,  there are opinions of all kinds,but it is very clever, they really take advantage of all the space using trap doors on the floor and the ceilings, with a pendant table that appears out of nowhere, sliding doors, and lots of gadgets everywhere.

This is the reform […]

Order at home, the perfect feng shui boxes

By |January 29th, 2016|

How many times did you thought how easy your life would be if you have everything in order?

By hand but out of sight,classified and in it´s place, well, here it comes with our perfect boxes to help.

Perfect yes, because you choose the measures to fit the space you already have, because the small ones are […]

la casa más pequeña del mundo

By |May 25th, 2015|

El Arquitecto Van Bo Le-Mentzal desde Alemania ha fabricado la casa más pequeña del mundo, mide 1 metro cuadrado, quizá un metro cúbico.


Con este proyecto quería demostrar que se puede tener todo lo que necesitas para vivir en un metro (eso sí, con paredes translúcidas y no es apto para claustrofóbicos ni para tener […]

More space at the shower

By |May 7th, 2015|

Yes, I know it is not a very aesthetic idea, really it is very ugly, but ingenious and very useful for those who dont fit in the shower, it may not win any contest, but design is this, give solution for problems, maybe it is a product for a dollar store, but it looks […]

Tip 6.Decorating small apartments. Proper distance from tv

By |April 15th, 2015|

Si, el tamaño importa, al menos en el caso de elegir bien la televisión, no es  mejor cuanto más grande, depende de tu salón.

We know that almost the first thing that you will put in your living room will be the TV and the sofa, we will start the distribution of the room to […]

What are the MINIMUM measurements for a 4 person dining table

By |February 18th, 2015|

Every time I look for furniture with the appropriate measures I can not find it in stores, I swear I do not understand it, there are THOUSANDS of anthropometric studies to size furniture, the dining table with minimal but useful measures for 4 people DOES NOT EXIST, If someone finds it, please PLEASE TELL […]

Tip 5.Como decorar una casa pequeña. El espacio vacío

By |October 29th, 2014|

We already have the chips of our particular Tetris and the game board, the only piece that is missing, the most important one is you, and what we propose is that you analyze how you are going to use the space, how much you occupy to move comfortably and how to distribute the furniture, […]