Tutorial to make your own  sconce for just 80 cents THIS IS DESIGN !

Yes sirs, as I did not find any sconce I like at the price I like I decided to make it on my own, with a rubber shit 60x40cm, and here I explain how to do it, it is easy, quick, nice and cheap…

The sconce was vvvvery needed, as the ugly wire with the bulb was near the tv, I was going to see it all the time, I was searching for something as simple as to go unnoticed, not want to see, and I think I succeeded …

What do you think? Lets start!



Foammy sheet (en este caso de 60x40cm)  you can find at you reference dollar store


Regla de corte

White glue


Hammer, nails and level (this is to place it on the wall)

Step 1: Draw the lines


Draw the cutting lines ( always on the backside).

The green and red lines on the picture , I left a 10cm margin (watch out, dont leve less than this, otherway the sconce would hang a little and it doesn´t look that nice) .  To leave it clear here I show you another picture only with the cutting lines (the green and red lines), just cut there making a T, you now have two flanges at the top an two flanges on the bottom.

líneas de corte

Step 2: Cut


With the cutter and the metallic ruler (also at your reference dollar store) we follow the lines with a continuous, quick movement, you dont need to press to much, but redo until you make sure you had cut it.

Step 3:Glue


Add a thin layer of white glue, always working on the backside of your sconce, and only on one of the top and bottom flanges, then we put this flanfges on the other top and bottom flanges (top on top, bottom on bottom).











When you have done this it may look like this, now leave it to dry for a while.


Step 4: Instalation

We put the sconce having in mind that apertures have to be on the upper part and on the lower (yes, hot comes up, so if you cover the top many bad thing can happen).

We nail it onto the wall with 4 nails using the level to make sure it is aligned. And Ready!














colocada salon encendida.










If you like to buy ready made lamps we also  manufacture here:

comprar lamparas







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